Energy healer | mindset & wealth coach for soul-led entrepreneurs

I’m Erica Cordeiro

Hi there Queen!

frequency of money 

Aligning you to the

Aligning you to the frequency of money

Through hell and high water

I’ve been to the deepest, darkest of places. A middle school dropout by the time I was 12. Sentenced to prison just days after I turned 22. 

Now I’m the CEO/Founder of Align with Erica, host of the Sexy & Wealthy Podcast, and owner of VELVET YOGA in Apex, North Carolina.

As a mindset and wealth coach, I help women own their power, manifest a life that lets them leave the dark places behind, and make more money (without feeling a single bit of shame or guilt about it).

My Queen

ways to work with me

Wealthy Podcast

The Sexy & 

Manifestation | Motherhood | Spirituality | sensuality

With a sprinkle of sourdough and other little life moments


Stay tuned! Coming soon!


Through a balance of holistic and science-backed modalities, I help you:

Clear the channels blocking your financial flow

Release limiting beliefs that leave you holding onto dialogues that diminish your self-worth

Powerfully embrace greater financial freedom with gratitude: and not an ounce of guilt

There’s a science behind real, life-changing manifestation. When I manifested $200,000 in 30 days on my first try, it wasn’t because of luck. It was because I made myself ready to receive that $200k. 

Start the journey


Certified in and drawing healing power from:

Living my dream

What my wildly                      life looks like

And have only gone up from there. 

First millionaire in my family at the age of 34

Moved to Apex, NC — a town I’d never been to, full of people I didn’t know

After buying a house on the internet that I had never seen. And have never looked back. 

Spoil my taste buds all the time

“Foodie” doesn’t even begin to describe me. (I could eat Nobu’s salmon nashi pear dish all day, every day…and sometimes I do!)

Have 4 kids (boy, girl, boy, girl)

Who are homeschooled. I call them the toughest tiniest food critics alive.

Grew a salon into a multiple 6-figure business in the first year

Now the proud owner of VELVET YOGA in Apex, North Carolina.



Why not…

steal some of my

Breathwork cheat sheet

30 days of journal prompts

Free for you

Money is powerful AF

I help you earn more of it. Receive more of it. And never again doubt that you’re worthy of wealth: not even for a single second. 

ways to work with me